You can't tell from the pic but this is her sewing machine. I'm excited to learn how to use this one as it is older than my mom's sewing machine. I also took this big glass water bottle. Ganky gave me the last change that grandaddy had to start my coin collection in the glass jar.
I was really excited about this lamp because I was able to replace one that we got for a wedding present that really didn't fit our style. This goes perfectly with our style. I also brought home two tractor seat stools that they always had out by the shed. I can remember playing on these as a child. We are going to paint them and find a good spot on the deck for them.
I brought this old Hunter fan home especially for Zach because we gave seen them in antique stores but they were always so expensive. Now he has his very own and he didn't even have to pay for it.
I'm sad to say that I won't be going to Groesbeck amymore for family gatherings, but I'm so glad that Ganky shared some of her treasures with us.
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